Live cameras in Miami Beach & Fort Lauderdale map and list preview for Inspired Backpacker blog

Being a beach lover, I absolutely love tuning into this Hollywood FL beach cam or the beach theatre and marina live cameras, to make me feel like I’m there. They’re also super handy during vacation when you’d like to see what the weather or crowds are like.

As a bonus, you can watch live music on the beach theatre live cam!

I’ve put together a map and list of live cameras in Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale and the surrounding beaches for this reason. Plus, this blog can also serve as a sunrise live camera guide, so you can watch the sun come over the ocean anytime you like. ā˜ŗļø

Hollywood FL Beach Cam Map Including Surrounding Beaches

Below you’ll find the map of live cameras in Miami Beach and the surrounding beaches, and the link to each live camera is in the description for each location.

List of Live Cameras In Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale & Surrounding Beaches

In case you prefer a list with a link to each webcam feed I’ve compiled them below. Enjoy!

Live Cameras In Miami Beach

Hollywood FL Beach Cam Links

Fort Lauderdale Beach Webcams

Deerfield, Pompano, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea Beach Webcams

These are all of the top webcams I’ve found in the Hollywood Beach and South Florida area. If I’m missing one please leave a comment! Until then enjoy these beach views – maybe even pull one up while you’re working like I do sometimes!

Make sure to check out my map of Hollywood Beach Florida, so you can easily find all the great spots in Hollywood Beach during your vacation.

Lauren Kessel |  + posts

Lauren Kessel is the author of this blog post and the creator of the Inspired Backpacker travel blog. She is a passionate digital nomad, with the mission to make slow travel a more accessible way of life for everyone. Lauren believes travel is an important means of education and more importantly, a way for people of different cultures to come together and understand each other better. She has a BS in Tourism and has planned countless domestic and international trips for herself, her family and friends, having visited over 12 countries and 30 states so far.